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how to store better for aluminum plate?-人生就是搏尊龙

2017-05-19 16:13:58

aluminum storage environment and transportation environment requires clean, dry and free of contaminants, because aluminum is non-ferrous metals, produce oxidation reflect the future, if in contact with water, so it destroyed the surface, resulting in surface quality is affected, so a dry environment it is located the basic conditions of the aluminum plate.

on the other hand, when aluminum plate manufacturers take the arrival of the goods or loading and unloading to try to maintain the integrity of the packaging, because the production of aluminum plate manufacturers will be put in the packing have moistureproof agent, so recommend that users don't destroy the way of packing, the packing is suitable for long-term storage. if conditional word can also be used after the aluminum plate is such packing.

aluminum 6061 plate during transportation to ensure that wagons should be clean, dry and free of contamination with prohibited substances and chemical activity and wet material together.

special attention when convertible for transport to prevent rain, snow intrusion, we must use tarpaulin cover; there should also be parked temporarily at the time of rain and snow.


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